Look for the Glimmers

Look for the Glimmers

30th of January, 2024

Before I learned of the term 'Glimmers' I used to refer to them as 'happy triggers' (micro moments that lift & shift our mood).

People have a tendency to talk about and recognise their (threat) triggers (those signals that mobilise us into a fight/flight etc response) but aren't fully aware of their (safety) triggers (glimmers) (those signals that cue our nervous system to feel safe or calm).

When I worked with young people in residential or social work we would spend time exploring their happy triggers to help regulate their emotions, create a sense of calm and bring them back to a sense of safety. And It's one of the many topics that we explore at the peer support groups, workshops and courses that I facilitate with You Matter Always

The key point is that glimmers are not massive and expansive experiences of joy, connection and safety. They are the micro moments of goodness that help to reduce emotional distress and move from surviving to thriving.

Remember...glimmers will be different for everyone. Is it time for you to recognise, understand and utilise your glimmers? 

Love Suzie xxx

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